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LOA Life Coaching



What LOA Life Coaching?


LOA is the abbreviation for Law of Assumption (different from Law of Attraction!). An LOA - Life Coaching is my personal style of Life Coaching. While life coaching gives you guidance and is an aid to improving your relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives.


My style of Life coaching will also create realistic and achievable goals. I will be there with you all along the way so I can assist you in identifying the obstacles holding you back instantly and produce strategies for overcoming each obstacle. By helping you to make the most of your strengths, my LOA- Life Coaching can provide the support you need to manifest long-lasting change.

What is the difference between the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction?


While both the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction are methods that help individuals obtain their dreams. 


The Law of Attraction essentially suggests that the only way to obtain what you want is to create vision boards and stay in a positive “vibration” at all times because “like attracts like”.


The Law of Assumption works soles to change your thought process and essentially reprogram your perception of how you see yourself, others, and the world around you. Knowing that everything is essentially created from you and projected outwards. It does not necessarily mean you need to be positive 100% of the time or create vision boards. While visuals aides do help, all that is really needed is you and your thoughts.

What do you want people to know about LOA - Life Coaching?

You need to understand that Life Coaching isn’t a quick fix. Just like learning anything new or starting a new fitness regime, Life Coaching is exactly like that. You won’t see instant results, but if you stick to the tasks and follow the guidelines given you will see results within a matter of WEEKS. 


I also want people to know that I have been through this process myself, so I know there will be times that you’ll want to give up or try something else because it seems hard. But that is where I will come in for you. I will be there with you every step to ensure you stay on task. I want my clients to think of me as their Fairy Godmother that will give them exactly what they need to feel confident in themselves, especially in moments when it feels like the world isn’t doing as you want it to.

Image by Robin Schreiner

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